Ride The Waves - Mindful Moment Monday

Hello everyone and welcome to another Mindful Moment Monday.

I invite you to find a comfortable position and take a nice deep breath.
Feel into your body and let your mind settle.
Let’s pause for a moment…


Today we’re going to focus on riding the waves of Life.

Oh Life!!

Just when you think you’ve got things pretty dialed in, Life throws you a curveball.

This year that seems to be an understatement!

There are hurricanes and viruses.
And also birds singing and sunrises.

What's one person's best day is another’s worst nightmare.

And Life goes on...

What brings you wonder and joy, may terrify another.

Some of my favorite lyrics, “One man gathers what another man spills…”

In the grips of disaster, we find friends rallying around us.

And when the day is over, the sun sets in one part of the world, the sun is rising for another.

Just as one person takes their last breath in this world, a baby is born taking their first.

We are always riding the waves of Life.


Let’s take a deep breath in, feeling the ride of Life on the inhalation.
And riding the wave on the way out…

Just as you say ‘yes’ to the love of your life and person of your dreams, someone has tears streaming down their face as the person they loved walks out on them.

And as the fall turns into winter, eventually the winter turns into spring.

We can try to be as prepared as possible and yet we can still be caught off guard.

Life is doing life things... It’s not personal. It’s just a part of our experience.

Will you choose to participate and engage in Life?
Or will you choose resistance?

When riding the waves of the ocean, we find the harder we push, fight and resist we come closer to drowning.

And when we notice that we give in, surrender and let go, the waves carry us.


Life is this way as well.
The more we resist, fight and push back, the more energy we waste. The more hardship we experience, the more out of control we feel. Feeling like we are being beaten up as the waves come crashing down on us.

If we can learn to surrender and ride the waves, knowing that as we come to the peak of one wave, it will come down. And being at the bottom, we will rise again.

That's the pattern of Life.

Sometimes it feels like the waves are tsunami-sized, and indeed they actually can be at times, we will also experience great levels of calm.

We will experience beautiful ripples and the sweet, sweet waves that are fun to float and find Joy in.

Just as we breathe in and out, in a natural cycle, there is a point of transition in between each breath.
A pause.
A space.


As one chapter of your life comes to a close, there is a beautiful beginning waiting for you.

And in this moment, breathe.
In the transition, smile.
Pause and take a deep breath in…. take it all in. Take Life in!
Filling your lungs and noticing how they expand…
And as you release, feel the sensation of letting go and riding the wave.
Life is happening for you.
May you ride the winds of change, and dance with rays of light!

May you get your surfboard and ride the waves of Life!

Dear friends… may you enjoy the waves that Life offers you.
May you find a space of least resistance and enjoy the Journey.

Let’s take a deep inhale together, breathing in….pause….and let go riding the wave!
Life is an adventure at every step!
May you enjoy the Ride!

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Sending you into the day with love, courage, & support!
And may you find a surfboard to ride the waves of Life!

Be well!
From my heart to yours,
