One of the oldest symbols, predating religions, the Hamsa Hand is viewed as a spiritual symbol found in many cultures throughout the world. Although there are different names for the hand, they all reflect similar meanings: protection from the ‘evil eye’ or negative thoughts, a source of good fortune, health, and happiness. The hand represents unity and the common thread that connects humanity. It is also a symbol for femininity and the compassion and strength found in female figures and goddesses. The hand is delicately caressed with a daisy on each side. This simple, yet playful flower symbolizes innocence and purity. The lotus, located in the center of the hand, represents purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. The perfect metaphor for life. The lotus blooms after it rises from the mud, as we too, rise from our darkness. And the final touch, a master plant, the vine of the soul, Madre ayahuasca. She invites us to reconnect to nature, spirit, and remember the ancient wisdom deeply steeped and embedded in our soul. She welcomes us to live in harmony within ourselves and our universal community.
It takes courage to find yourself and be true to your authentic being. We are told “who we are” or “should be” from a very young age. Living our lives for others and neglecting our inner call. To start the process to peel back those layers and get to your core can be a challenge! But one worthy of our efforts. The dancer on the back is on an unalome. The unalome represents the path through life and to enlightenment. The spirals symbolize the twists and turns we experience. The beginning of the path, without knowledge or a given direction, leads to discovering the world through inevitable errors and our learning or teachings. The straight line, represents the moment one reaches enlightenment or peace and harmony. We all are on our path… our journey! And I support you! Go out and fear LESS!
This beautiful sacred geometry pattern represents the unity of everything in life. We’re all built from the same blueprint, and the flower symbolizes the cycle of creation. The flower shows that all life and consciousness arises from One Source. What we do is more than just ‘pole dance’. We dance with Divinity, in flow with the Sacred. What we practice in pole, is a microcosm for our journey in Life!
Represented by the moon, she is a symbol of femininity. Just as the moon goes though phases and cycles, so do we, ever evolving and changing. She dances to the rhythm of growths’ ebb and flow. She is art in motion. We are art in motion.