Affirmations For Pole Dancers Set #1

Affirmations For Pole Dancers Set #1
Join me as we take a brief moment to breathe and speak 15 Affirmations created for pole dancers and other movement makers. There’s no stopping it - So why not embrace it!
Affirmation. The root word comes from Latin meaning to make steady or strengthen. We can use them as a tool to affect the programming of conscious and subconscious mind. The end result being a change in our thinking patterns and behavior.
Affirmations also serve as inspiration, or creative and supportive reminders of what believe, aspire to, and desire in our lives. They can help us feel positive, empowered, encouraged, and motivated! These affirmations are specifically created for pole dancers to support their journey to being a ‘Whole’istic Poler! Mind, body and spirit!
The recordings can be used auditory, visually or both. They can be used at any part of your day, but especially before and during your practice. We are meant to enjoy our practice!
During our practice, you can close your eyes or follow along. I’ll speak each affirmation 3 times. You can repeat them after me by saying them aloud, whispering them, or saying them silently to yourself.
Once purchased, please download the file attached to access the affirmations. Enjoy!